The truth is, I guess I was just born like this. If I can't rearrange my house or reinvent myself, I tend to go a little crazy. I also like to stay still. Very still. Like check my pulse still. We are all such interesting creatures. I am a thinker, an observer and a doer. I like to play with stuff. I pretty much cannot wait to get to work each day and this is 15 years and counting. The thing is I wanted to be me. More me. I am so grateful to have Firefly for fifteen years but I wanted to continue growing. How could I really take another leap - a huge risk - and stay the same? What if I just simply changed my name? What would happen? It was a risk I wanted to try. Would the community embrace it? Would they think I closed or sold my store and finally moved to Mexico to raise chickens and goats like I've threatened all these years? I just became stubborn. I got it in my head that I wanted to rebrand myself. Keep up with the Joneses. The honest to God truth was that I had never really seen a firefly. That just really bothered me. What was I obsessed with? I mean, besides everything? Burros. I like the idea of the old West. Of the pioneers. Of the hard working laborers. I like to just burrow in there. Like really get in there. New York has their boroughs, and I wanted a burro of my own. Without further ado, I introduce BURRO.
This is just the beginning.
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